The Foundation
The Alleghany Highlands Regional Library Foundation is a nonprofit foundation that seeks to promote a secure financial future for the Alleghany Highlands Regional Library regional system serving Alleghany County and the City of Covington.
History and Purpose
The Foundation was created in 2009 to receive and administer donations for the benefit of the Alleghany Highlands Regional Library regional library system. The Foundation functions as a catalyst for attracting private funding from individuals, businesses and organizations. These funds are solicited in support and enrich the programs and services of the Alleghany Highlands Regional Library. Funds raised by the Foundation do not replace local, state and federal funds; instead, they enhance the quality and range of services beyond the level that public funds provide.
A Board of Directors manages the Alleghany Highlands Regional Library Foundation. The 9-member Board includes representatives from the Library Board of Trustees, the Friends of the Library, and others in the community who volunteer their time and expertise to assist with the operation and management of the Foundation. The Foundation Board works closely with the Library Board to identify and provide support for projects identified by the staff and community.
Tax Exempt Status
The Foundation is recognized as a tax-exempt non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. As such, donations to the Foundation are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law.
Expenditure of Funds
The Foundation Board of Directors makes all spending decisions and project selections. Suggestions for projects are made by the library administration, with support of the Library Board of Trustees.
Why Your Gift is Important
The public library occupies a unique place in today’s global information society. Our Library is committed to ensuring that every person in the community has access to the resources they need to enrich their lives through education and culture. Whether the need is for traditional library services, digital services, or both, the Library plays a vital role in narrowing the gap between the information “haves and have-nots”. This goal can be advanced with your help. Your gift is an investment in the Library’s future.
How to Give
Please make your tax-deductible contribution payable to:
The Alleghany Highlands Regional Library Foundation
406 W. Riverside Street
Covington, VA 24426