Friends of the Library
The Friends of the Alleghany Highlands Regional Library (also called the Friends or FOL) is an organization whose purpose is fundraising for the Library. The main sources of income for that fundraising are the annual membership drive, the used book sales, and the Adopt-a-Shelf program. The Friends maintain a shelf of For Sale items within the Library containing many gently used books, a FOL cookbook, and book bags/totes, all available for purchase at the Circulation Desk.
With that funding, the FOL is able to fund most, if not all, of the children's programming, such as Story Hour and all Summer Reading Programs. The Friends' assistance with these items allows the Library to offer many more types of programs than it would otherwise be able to afford. For the last several years, FOL has also funded the grounds maintenance for the Library and purchased many items, such as book carts and toys for the Children's Area.